The Rev. J.D. McQueen, II - All Saints’ Episcopal Church, San Diego, CA


Learning to follow directions is big at our house right now, and there are 2 things that I really try to emphasize:

1. Give directions because I love them – want them to be safe and happy, and learn how to keep themselves safe and happy.

2. We can follow directions even if we don’t want to!


Of course, we never reach a point in life where we don’t have to follow directions.

v Necessary in all kinds of circumstances – at work, on the road or in public places

v Vital for healthy relationships that we be able to listen to what people in our lives are saying and asking of us


This is true of our relationship with God as well, though it can be difficult because we often can’t understand or appreciate what he’s accomplishing.

v John the Baptist is a great example of this.

v When Jesus came to be baptized, he didn’t get it and even balked at first, but submitted after Jesus reassured him it was the right thing to do.


Then, in this week’s gospel, John himself tells us how far from getting it he really was when twice he says “I myself did not know him.”

v The thing is, John did know Jesus – they were cousins!

v But he didn’t know him as the Messiah, the Son of God not until he saw the HS descend and remain on him, the sign God had promised.


So we see that God called John and then gave him just enough information to follow directions, which is how he loves all of us.

v You see, we can’t love God without serving him, just like we can’t say that we truly love someone if we’re not willing to give of ourselves for them.

v The depth of the relationship is determined by the amount of ourselves we’re willing to give, so God never offers us more love than we can receive because that means asking more than we can give.


Now, when we do experience the love of God and respond by following his directions, even if we don’t understand or want to follow them, our act of love and humble sacrifice makes room for us to experience more of God’s love.

v Because love and service build on each other God is always coming to us wherever we are to draw us closer to him.

v Progress in the spiritual life comes from responding to God’s love drawing us to his heart by moving him closer and closer to ours.

v And we see an example of this in the second part of today’s gospel.


Notice that Jesus doesn’t come up and say, “Hi, I’m Jesus, the Lamb of God John’s been telling you about, let’s go” – he just walks by.

v Jesus doesn’t demand anything from them, but simply comes to where they are.

v But when they encounter him, something resonates in their hearts and so they follow, and Jesus does the same thing with us.


Whenever we read the gospels, we’re presented with opportunities to be drawn into the life of Jesus.

v For John and Andrew, it’s John the Baptist’s testimony, identifying Jesus as the one they’ve waiting for.

v For us, maybe it’s the mercy he shows to the woman caught in adultery or the compassion he shows to the parents of sick or oppressed children.

v Maybe it’s the tears he sheds for Lazarus or the delight he has when people come to him in faith.



v Maybe it’s the way he prays from the cross for those who hate him.


Whatever draws us in, we’re attracted because we want to experience it firsthand.

v So each time, just like with John and Andrew, Jesus is prompting us to look deeper into our hearts, asking us, “What do you seek?”

v What are you looking for? What are you hoping for?

v We follow Jesus’ directions because he’s the answer to those questions, and even if don’t understand that, his invitation is always, “Come and see.”